Beyond Code

Black Bear, Jasper Canada
Emerald Lake, Banff Canada
Bay Area Fishing Trip

When I'm not knee-deep in code, you'll often find me seeking solace in nature. Whether it’s the peaceful stillness of fishing by a quiet lake, the exhilaration of conquering a challenging hiking trail, or the thrill of traveling to new and exciting places, I’m always drawn to the outdoors. These experiences help me reset, reflect, and bring a fresh perspective to my work as a developer.

Yosemite Winter

But before I immersed myself in the world of programming, I was an artist at heart. I spent four formative years pursuing art in school, where I could lose myself in creative expression, whether through painting, drawing, or other mediums. That artistic foundation continues to influence how I approach problems—thinking outside the box, finding beauty in complexity, and bringing creativity into the most technical of challenges. Music has also been a major part of my life. I had the privilege of leading my school choirs as president for a total of six years, both in secondary school and junior college. That leadership experience taught me invaluable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the power of collaboration. There’s nothing quite like working together to create something beautiful, whether it’s a performance or a well-executed software project.

I’ve also dabbled in entrepreneurship. I launched an EdTech startup with the goal of making education more accessible and impactful. I even ventured into the fashion world by starting a clothing line, experimenting with different designs and materials to bring ideas to life and as an outlet for me to continue expressing myself as an artist. These experiences taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a strong belief in the power of innovation. And through it all, my passion for education has remained a constant. I’m deeply committed to helping others learn and grow, which is why I dedicate my free time to being a part-time tutor. Teaching allows me to share my knowledge and inspire others to pursue their passions, just as I’ve pursued mine. Education has the power to change lives, and I’m always excited to be a part of that journey for others.

Created by Matthias Lee